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Are you looking for cool blogger templates? Blogger does provide a variety of cool and interesting templates that are attractive, when you create a blogspot. However, if the default template is not to your liking, using a third-party made template may be a solution. 

But what if you want to use them at no cost? No need to worry. In this article, we will review 30+ free and responsive website templates for bloggers that you can use.


One responsive blogger template that illustrators, graphic designers, and photographers should rely on to showcase their work. Blazing is a template that optimizes your blog content. 

With the featured box feature offered, your work and the digital products you sell will be well displayed.

Blazing also allows you to customize the colors as you need. Not only that, this two-column template features numeric page navigation, comment widget and customizable header.

As the name implies, this blogger template is suitable for parenting blogs that use a magazine layout concept. 

Momma's Love can be the right choice for you to build a blog like Hamsa Family or Grace Melia.

This template has a variety of features, from the featured post slider to put up the four best posts, to the ease of customizing the colors and fonts that you will use. 

Momma's Love does not miss the social media sharing and mobile responsive features for easy access via mobile phones.

If some of the above portfolio blogger templates haven't been able to make you make a choice, Martin can be your choice. 

Starting from website designers, web developers and programmers, can use this template.

At the top of the blog, you can display your photos or your best work. Then, at the bottom you can display all the works in a beautifully organized masonry menu. 

You can even give a brief description of your work. The goal is to show your expertise in a particular field. 

Martin implements a responsive layout that will still perform well on various mobile devices. In addition, Martin is SEO-friendly and has been optimized for AdSense if you want to earn extra income from advertising.

You will find a busy impression when you see this blogger template. Yes, SEORocket is indeed a template designed for personal blogs, magazines, news and even business blogs. 

In addition to its fresh and modern look, SEORocket also specializes in its features. SEOBoost ensures that the coding of this template is done well. The result is a page loading speed that only takes 350 milliseconds. 

Not only that, based on checking the Google Insight Usability Test, the results obtained are 100/100. This means that the display of this template will look optimal on all mobile device screens (cellphones, tablets, etc.).

One more thing, for those of you who have a wedding organizer business, having a blog to support your business is certainly the right step. So, what is the right template for your blog?

Edward-Stella could be the answer! This responsive blogger template is specifically made for wedding blogs. You can display the best wedding photos from your clients as well as introduce your skills as a wedding organizer. 

Not only that, you can share your successful wedding business on your blog. The choice of icons, color themes and fonts used reinforce the romantic impression. 

Edward-Stella comes with a choice of page types and layouts, both wide and square. This blogger template is also search engine optimized and responsive. 

NewsMag is a news and magazine style blog template, perfect for those of you who manage news blogs. This template is also designed to be compatible for desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Active users of this cool blog template have reached 20 thousand users. The rating obtained on the WordPress site is also quite good, which is 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.

If you need a magazine-style and minimalist blog template, Semicolon is the answer. The design of this free blog template is not as busy as the previous six blog templates. This template is suitable for those of you who like simple and minimalist designs.

In general, the Eighties template is almost the same as McKinley, which emphasizes content on images and photos. The difference is that the Eighties menu bar is simpler than McKinley.

Why Use Responsive Blogger Templates?
After seeing all the responsive blogger templates, some of you may ask: "Why use a responsive template?"

Responsive design is a design technique where a website must be able to display well on various screen sizes, especially on mobile devices. 

So, what are the reasons to use responsive design for your blog?

1. Favored by Search Engines
Since April 21, 2015, Google has determined that websites that display well on mobile devices will get priority ranking in search engines. 

This means that if you don't follow this rule, your blog won't be on the first page of search results. Even if your content is quality, if it makes it difficult for mobile users to access it, it will not be recommended by Google. 

2. Reach More People
Nowadays, most people access the internet through their mobile devices. In fact, 58% of all website traffic comes from mobile devices. 

So, if you want to reach more people to visit your blog, your website should have a responsive design. 

3. No Visitors Left Behind
If internet users visit your blog and it doesn't look appealing on their phones, they will leave immediately. 

From a study, Google said 61% of these users will not come back again and even 40% of them immediately switch to competitor blogs. 

For a business blog or freelancer blog, this is certainly a very serious impact. Especially if you have to follow how to delete a blog on Blogger.

4. Look More Professional
Especially for those of you who build a business blog or portfolio, using responsive blogger templates will show your professionalism. Because, visitors will get a pleasant experience visiting your blog. 
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About the Author

Perkenalkan nama saya Lewis Christian Sirait, saya sekarang sekolah di SMP Swasta Katolik Budi Murni 1 Medan.Saya berbisnis editor video, penulis, dan pengembang situs.

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